New Organization Membership Application

To became an individual member of the HLG just complete the 2 steps below. Step #1 is to complete the form below. The step #2 is to pay for your membership with credit car or check (instructions down below on this page).

STEP #1: Complete the form below

STEP #2: Pay for your new membership

Payment Options

Pay with check - Prepare a check to "HLG" of U$50 (non-Profit) or U$100 (Small Organizations) or U$500 (large organizations) and send to the HLG -> "P.O. Box 78386, St. Louis, MO 63178"


Pay with Credit Card through PayPal (no account in PayPal is required) using one of the options below

Auto-Renew Subscription

One Year Subscription

We thank you for your support for the HLG to continue to advocate for our Hispanic Community in the Greater St Louis area

We could not exist if there were not members support our group.